This was originally posted on the Smith Brothers Services web site on January 5, 1012.

We really like the Meyer Drive Pro 6'8". We think it is a great plow. It performs well, and it is reliable. There is just one thing we would change if we could. The Jack Stand. All other Meyer Plows use a Crank Stand. Thanks to Joey Rega (a willing Guinea Pig) it is now a reality for the Drive Pro 6'8" as well. Click on any picture for a larger view.
First, we cut off the tab on the crossbar for the Jack Stand Lock. Then....

Test fitting the post.

Post tack welded in place.

All welded and painted.

Side view. Joey is also using an E-57H.

Joey keeps his plow on a set of dollies, so he can roll it right up to his Jeep and into the Clevis.

We sent these pictures to Meyer in January 2012.... and then

(9-1-12) NOTE: As of the 2012 - 2013 Season, Meyer Products is now building the Drive Pro with a Crankstand.
